How Does an Uncontested Divorce Work?

The state of California offers an established process for uncontested divorces that can sometimes streamline these legal proceedings. Working with a qualified divorce attorney can provide added help and guidance when managing the complexities of this legal process. Understanding how uncontested divorce in California works can help you make the right moves for yourself and your family during this challenging time.

Reaching Mutually Acceptable Terms

One of the first steps in the uncontested divorce process should be to sit down with your former partner to discuss finances, child support, child custody arrangements and other issues. If you can find a way to reach a mutually beneficial agreement on these matters, you can often reduce the amount of time you spend in court. An experienced divorce attorney can often provide you with the guidance needed to deal with the issues associated with an uncontested divorce in California.

Creating a Workable Plan

Once you have reached an agreement about child custody, visitation, support, division of assets and debts, you will have a head start on dealing with the important issues involved in the divorce process. Your California divorce attorney can help you manage the paperwork required to file for divorce, allowing you to be sure that your documents are submitted on time to streamline your uncontested divorce proceedings.

Completing Financial Disclosure Forms

During the process, you will need to submit a number of financial disclosure forms to your former spouse. A comprehensive listing of your debts, assets, income and tax returns for the past two years will be required as part of this documentation. Your attorney can typically help you complete these forms and can review the forms submitted by your ex-spouse. Making sure the information provided is complete and accurate can help you build trust with your former partner during the divorce proceedings and can prevent any issues from arising later that could affect your legal standing with the California court system.

Making Child Support and Custody Arrangements

Regardless of whether you can reach an agreement about the primary or joint custody of your children and the amount of child support to be paid, the court will need to evaluate these arrangements to ensure that they are in the best interests of your children and that they are acceptable from a legal standpoint. Once again, working with a lawyer who specializes in uncontested divorce in California can help you create a plan acceptable to you, your former spouse, your children and the court system.

Finalizing Your Uncontested Divorce

After all forms have been completed and submitted to the court, this documentation will be reviewed for accuracy, completeness and correct format. When this process has concluded, you will either be given a date to appear in court or will receive a Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment in the mail. A court appearance is usually only necessary if you have not completed and submitted all required forms correctly.


Working with an established and reputable family law firm can provide the support and legal expertise you need to ensure that your divorce is finalized quickly and in a mutually beneficial way. This can allow you to put the past behind you and to get the best possible start on your brand-new life.

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